IWA Italy - International Web Association Italia

Web25 - IWA testimonial dei 25 anni del Web

12 marzo 2014

Nel sito dedicato ai 25 anni del Web, IWA tramite il presidente italiano Roberto Scano ha rilasciato una dichiarazione di supporto all'iniziativa.

International Webmasters Association / The HTML Writers Guild (IWA/HWG) is happy for 25th anniversary of the Web and the 20th of W3C. As leading web professional association, one of the older W3C Members, we have had great opportunities for help our members to develop products and services having as reference web standards, with our participation inside groups. We have contributed to develop specifications like WCAG and our members are always happy to be part of the history of the World Wide Web, supporting W3C to lead the web.

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Associazione IWA Italy (International Web Association Italia)

Via Colombo, 1/e - 30126 Lido di Venezia (VE)

email: amministrazione@iwa.it

PEC: iwa@pec.it

P. IVA: 03250160276

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