Siteimprove requests the pleasure of your company at our annual not-for-profit Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) event on May 18 2017, with keynote presenters; Jennison Asuncion, GAAD co-founder and Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web.
09:00-09:15: Welcome by Morten Ebbesen, Siteimprove CEO
09:15-09:45: Keynote by Jennison Asuncion, GAAD Co-founder
09:45-10:15: Comedy meets Advocacy with Karl Groves & Billy Gregory, The Viking and The Lumberjack
10:15-10:45: Explore the following accessibility organization’s booths while enjoying free coffee!
10:45-11:15: Keynote by Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web
11:15-11:30: Explore different accessibility organization’s booths. Free coffee and toilet facilities available.
Dansk Blindesamfund / Danish Association of the Blind
Muskelsvindfonden / The Danish Muscular Dystrophy Association
Veterans in Motion:
Six veterans and six celebrities will be joining us and we’ll have a marked off area where there will be ski stimulation machines and a small ski shooting range. Before venturing on their Arctic Challenge they used these machines to help them physically prepare. These men have a range of different disabilities as a result of being wounded in action and we’re proud to have them joining us to show that disability is no barrier to the desire to achieve. -
Living IT Lab
Siteimprove Empathy Exercises
11:30-12:30: Panel Discussion: The present and future of digital accessibility. Chaired by Jennison Asuncion. Panelists:
Shadi Abou-Zahra, Accessibility Strategy and Technology Specialist, W3C
Roberto Scano, Chair UNI/CT 531 eAccessibility, UNINFO (IT)
Timothy Creagan, Senior Accessibility Specialist, US Access Board
Raph de Rooij, Directorate-General for Public Administration, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (NL)